1. Did Robin Hood really exist? No, it's a legend, and he's a hero and the heros don't exist.
2. What was he famous for? Because he tood from the rich and gave to the poor, he created justice.
3. Where was he from? from Nottinghamshire

Robin Hood was born at the end of the 12th century, at that time, King Richard was away on a crusade in the Holy Land, and her brother John became the king of England. King John and his man were greedy and cruel. The poor people of England had to paid very high taxes and many families died of hunger.
One day, the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham killed Robin's father and took away his lands and all possessions of young Robin.
Robin became an outlaw in Sherwood forest with more people like Little John, Friar Took, Will Scarlet,...
One day when the outlaws were doing her works in the forest a knight that came from a crusade arrive to the forest, he was the loyal King Richard.
At the end, Robin, Lady Marian and Little John went to Locksley and they lived a long happy life.
- A time of war
- A time of home coming
- A time of tyrams
- A time when the only way to apply justice was to brake the law
- He gave the people that courage to fight
- The one men who stoke from freedom became a legend
- Robin Hood, the prince of thieves
For Extra Points:
- Owtlaw - Persona que està fora de la llei
- Arrow -Fletxa
- Bow - Arc
- Target - Diana
- Challenge - Repte
- Messenger - Missatger
- Trap - Trampa
- Peasant - Pagès
- Crowd - Multitud
- Revenge - Venjança
- Juggling - Fer malabars
- Entretainers - Animadors
- Cloak - Capa
- Naked - Despullat
- Cowards - Covards
- Butcher - Carniser
- Friar - Frara
- Still - Encara
- God - Deu
- Weighed - Pesat
- Maid - Noia jove
- Wicked - Malvat
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