dimarts, 8 de gener del 2013

3.- A memorable day!

I remember my uncle and aunt's wedding 8 years ago. It was a very memorable day.

First, we met at my grandparents' house. At half past eleven we went to hte Llers church for the ceremony, my cousin Arnau and I had to carry the rings but I didn't felt well and my cousin had to carry the rings lonely. After that we went to a very good restaurant, we had lunch there and I think that there was a party for the adults, I don't remember, I was only three or four.

There were all the family, about 50 persons at the wedding. I don't remember anybody clearly but I remember that i wore a very cute white hat but I didn't liked and I became very angry.
It wad an exited day for my mum, I felt a little bit upset.

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