dimarts, 21 de maig del 2013


The topic of the survey was “The futer about us”. All the class, a group of 22 (including myself), did the survey and in general they predic a good futer for us!!! These are the results:

Some people think that sombody in the class will be famous in the future, and more than a half say no. Most of they want to go to the university and one or two wants to go in a special school. And everybody things that English will be an important language in the future and we have to learn it!

A lot of people wants to live in Banyoles, our city, in a few of yeras and someones say no. Every body thinks that the subject Tutoria will help us in the future, maby because they learn us to be good persons. A half of the class thing that we will be important persons in the world, and the other class don't think the same...

For the moment, we're gonna have a positive futer!

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